World conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4
World conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4

world conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4

The Easy level can be completed by players with low tech levels and lower tier generals. This mode is the easiest and most common of three levels. There are three levels of difficulty that can be assigned to each invasion:Įasy: 5 medals are awarded upon successful completion. The reward for successfully completing the invasion is varying amounts of medals depending on the difficulty of the exercise. Each invasion requires the player to use a specified number of units from their Legion. Invasions provide players with daily battles in infantry, tank, artillery, or naval combat. If each meet the specific condition, the reward will be increased by 50%.

world conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4

Ability, Skill and Military Rank are need to get better rewards in the mission. The mission refreshes daily or when completed. Missions are daily tasks found in the Domination mode and awards the player with resources. When further achievements are completed, the player would be rewarded much more. After completing some content in Domination Mode, player will receive certain resources and monetary rewards. Domination mode is mainly composed of Tasks, Exercises and Invasions, Trades, Challenges, Campaigns for famous Generals and the construction of Wonders. Landmarks are unlocked by beating the red levels in domination mode.Domination is one of the three game modes the others being Conquests and Scenario. Landmarks and Wonders are unlocked after beating scenario mode levels once unlocked they will cost you to get but it is worth it in the long run (especially those that produce resources daily). The Legion section deals with the troops that can be hired to fight in the Domination Mode. The Technology section deals with the various improvements that can be done to the Infantry Units, Armoured Units, Artillery Units, Naval Units, Aircraft, Stronghold Units, Air Defense and Ballistic Missiles. The Generals section deals with the recruitment and training/promoting of the various Generals that can be collected. Landmarks and Wonders are mainly used to view your collection.

world conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4

Generals, Technology and Legion are for the Gameplay. The Headquarters or HQ, consists of 5 parts: Generals, Technology, Legion, Landmark and Wonder.

World conqueror iv domination cold war wto 4